Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Of Arms and Men

Following my course of study with Preach My Gospel, I read last night Alma 17-22. As I read I recalled a Gospel Doctrine lesson for which we had no instructor and just before the meeting I volunteered (Yes! Volunteered! no slothful servant here, well, not on that occassion anyway) to teach it. While giving the lesson which included Ammon's stunning exploits at the Waters of Sebus I was struck by the imagery of the sheep, the water, and the shepherds--all calling to mind the Savior. Anyway, what I found interesting last night was the well-known episode of Ammon cutting off the arms of all those who raised their weapons against him. The image is that of Ammon causing the arms of the raiders to be cut off and cast to the earth by the power of his own arm and sword. Quite a fascinating foreshadowing of the People of Ammon who will later cast down their own arms, i.e., weapons, and vow not to take them up again, all by the power of the word (which is sharp as a two-edged sword).

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